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One of the coolest parts of angular-formly


This is probably one of the coolest parts of angular-formly!

There is a built-in templateManipulator that automatically adds attributes to the ng-model element(s) of your templates for you. This is what makes creating type templates so insanely easy. It also makes angular-formly perform much better than you would normally get because it allows you to not have unnecessary/unused directives.

This built-in manipulator is pretty powerful/magical. Here's what you need to know about it:

  • It will never override existing attributes (except one exception noted below).
  • To prevent it from running on your field, simply set data: {skipNgModelAttrsManipulator: true} and this template manipulator will skip that field (I have yet to find a use case for this)
  • This can be disabled globally by setting formlyConfigProvider.extras.disableNgModelAttrsManipulator = true (I have yet to find a use case for this)
  • It wont do anything to the template if it can't find any elements with the attribute ng-model.
  • It adds a name and id attribute (the for both of them)
  • It adds the formly-custom-validation directive if the field has options.validators
  • It adds ng-model-options directive if the field has options.modelOptions
  • If you specify options.modelOptions.getterSetter = true then it will replace the ng-model attribute with options.value which is a getterSetter function that formly attaches to your field options.
  • It utilizes the ngModelAttrs api to add a bunch of attributes automagically. This is probably one of the coolest things about angular-formly. See below for examples of how to use this.
  templateOptions: {
    placeholder: 'This will be automagically added',
    required: true, // will add a required attribute
    maxlength: 6, // this would add a maxlength attribute, but see expressionProperties
    onBlur: ' = true' // this adds ng-blur
  expressionProperties: {
    'templateOptions.maxlength': 'someExpression' // this adds the ng-maxlength attribute

This is incredibly powerful because it makes the templates require much less bloat AND it allows you to avoid paying the cost of watchers that you'd never use (like a field that will never be required for example).

Here are the built-in supported attributes

  • both attribute or regular attribute: required, disabled, pattern, maxlength, and minlength
  • attribute only: placeholder, min, max, tabindex, and type
  • expression types: onChange, onKeydown, onKeyup, onKeypress, onClick, onFocus, and onBlur

You can add more custom attributes using the ngModelAttrs property on a field. It's a little complex, but quite powerful.